Friday 10 June 2011

Book Review: ‘The Night Ferry’ by Michael Robotham

Hey all,

Here especially for you a review of Michael Robotham’s ‘The Night Ferry.’

Book Blurb:

Struggling detective Alisha Barba is trying to get her life back on track after almost being crippled by a murder suspect. Now on her feet again she receives a desperate plea from an old school friend, who is eight months pregnant and in trouble. On the night they arrange to meet, her friend is run down and killed by a car and Alisha discovers the first in a series of haunting and tragic deceptions.

Determined to uncover the truth, she embarks upon a dangerous journey that will take her from the East End of London’s to Amsterdam’s murky red light district and into a violent underworld of sex trafficking, slavery and exploitation.

Entertainment Rating: 9/10

Yet another absolutely amazing book by Michael Robotham, it’s been a while since I managed to read two books by the same author back to back without loosing interest or finding too many similarities between the storylines. I loved ‘The Night Ferry’, once again I found myself being drawn into the chaos that Robotham had created for his main character and you can’t help but feel like you are stood beside them every step of the way.

More than once he managed to shock me with a twist in the story line that just made it impossible to stop reading. I don’t have much else I can say other than what a fantastic writer and I highly recommend that everyone reads his work because if you haven’t yet you are really missing out on something great!

Film Review: The Lost Future (2010)

Hey all,

Today I have a review of The Lost Future (2010).

Film Summary:

A group of post-apocalyptic survivors, struggle to survive in a world where jungles and forests and primeval wetlands and deserts have obliterated civilization. They staunchly face genetically mutating beasts and mysterious diseases in an attempt to re-establish the human race as masters of Earth.

In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of survivors led by Uri and the ancients are organized in tribe, in a primitive society without technology and lives in a small village in the Grey Rock National Park surrounded by beasts that transmit a disease that transforms the victims in mutants. Uri’s son Savan is the best hunter of their tribe and successor of his father, while Kaleb is the best tracker and together with his sister Miru (Eleanor Tomlinson), they are the only survivors that can read and writer. Their father Jaret believed that it might exist other survivors outside Grey Rock and left them alone to wander around the area. Kaled is a dreamer and secretly loves Savan’s woman Dorel. When the beats surprisingly attack Uri’s hamlet, a group runs to a cave and block the entrance with logs. Kaleb saves Dorel from a beast and sooner Savan meets them. Out of the blue, the stranger Amal approaches to the trio and invites them to join his family, composed by his wife Neenah and their son Persk that lives in the outskirt of Grey Rock protected by a river. Sooner Amal discloses to them that Jaret had found the formula of a yellow powder that cures the sick persons. However, the evil Gagen had stolen the powder and kept with him. Amal, Savan, Kaleb and Dorel travel together to find Gagen and bring the yellow powder to their tribe.

Entertainment Rating: 0/10

Yes I’m afraid that really is a zero out of ten on the entertainment rating, it’s not a mistake. This film was the worst thing I have watched in a very long time! I know that’s horrible to say but I’m not going to lie and say that I enjoyed it at all, once I had finished watching it I felt like demanding the two hours of my life back that it wasted. The only thing I would use this film for is as a torture device for a worst enemy, it would make them cry it was so awful.

Instead of being post-apocalyptic this film could have been mistaken for a very bad early civilization film. Nobody, bar two of the characters coud read anymore and yet they all spoke perfect english it was a miracle. I spent the majority of the film feeling like they were trying to steal other bits from better films, unfortunately for them on putting all these pieces together they created a pile of rubbish.

Even the actors seemed to lack enthusiasm, one of the reasons I watched the film was because Sean Bean was in it and he’s a bloody good actor, but it was a very disappointing outcome. I’m not even going to suggest that anybody goes to watch it for themselves as I would feel bad for wasting your time. If you ever become bored and curious enough to watch this film I’d love to hear your opinion. I know I have been a harsh judge on The Lost Future but I feel that is all it deserves.

Book Review: 'The Suspect' by Michael Robotham

Hi guys!

As promised here is the review for Michael Robotham’s ‘The Suspect’.

Book Blurb:

Joseph O’Loughlin appears to have the perfect life – a beautiful wife, a loving daughter and a successful career as a clinical psychologist. But nothing can be taken for granted. Even the most flawless existence is only a loose thread away from unravelling. All it takes is a murdered girl, a troubled young patient and the biggest lie of his life …

Entertainment Rating: 10/10

The first thing that drew me to Robotham’s ’The Suspect’ is that it is based in Britain, this may be an unusual reason but I have to say I love a good book based in my home land as I can relate to it much more easily. However, I found that the book went above and beyond my initial expectations, Robotham is truly a master of suspense which kept me reading for hours into the night.

After an adrenalin packed opening scene, Robotham continues to feed little secrets and tip bits about our main character and his past to peak the readers interest, making it impossible to put the book down. Just as you begin to think that you have the story figured out he sneakily feeds you another simple piece of information which throws your whole theory out the window.

The reader travels to hell and back with Joseph O’Loughlin, the main character, on his journey through the book and just when you think things couldn't get more complicated for him they do and your heart goes out to him on these occasions. If you're paranoid before reading this you will be even more so by the time you reach the last page!

But all in all it's a spectacular read that really caught my imagination, so much so that I’ve already begun reading another of Robotham’s books ‘The Night Ferry’ and it’s already turning out to be as good as ‘The Suspect. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a very well written thriller.

I hope this helps you, and once you’ve read the book I’d love to hear what your opinion is so don’t forget to comment! (Please state at the beginning of you comments if they contain spoilers so as to warn other readers.)

Welcome to Review Central!

Hey all!

Welcome to my new blog, I hope to help you all out by reviewing all sorts of things, I will mainly be reviewing books and films to begin with. I am open to suggestions of things to review but I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to. What can I say, I’ll try my best! Obviously these reviews will be purely my personal opinion and view on a particular thing so you may not all agree with me and feel free to tell me that as I always like to hear other peoples opinions.

Anyway happy reading and I’ll have the first review up soon on ‘The Suspect’ by Michael Robotham.