Friday 10 June 2011

Book Review: 'The Suspect' by Michael Robotham

Hi guys!

As promised here is the review for Michael Robotham’s ‘The Suspect’.

Book Blurb:

Joseph O’Loughlin appears to have the perfect life – a beautiful wife, a loving daughter and a successful career as a clinical psychologist. But nothing can be taken for granted. Even the most flawless existence is only a loose thread away from unravelling. All it takes is a murdered girl, a troubled young patient and the biggest lie of his life …

Entertainment Rating: 10/10

The first thing that drew me to Robotham’s ’The Suspect’ is that it is based in Britain, this may be an unusual reason but I have to say I love a good book based in my home land as I can relate to it much more easily. However, I found that the book went above and beyond my initial expectations, Robotham is truly a master of suspense which kept me reading for hours into the night.

After an adrenalin packed opening scene, Robotham continues to feed little secrets and tip bits about our main character and his past to peak the readers interest, making it impossible to put the book down. Just as you begin to think that you have the story figured out he sneakily feeds you another simple piece of information which throws your whole theory out the window.

The reader travels to hell and back with Joseph O’Loughlin, the main character, on his journey through the book and just when you think things couldn't get more complicated for him they do and your heart goes out to him on these occasions. If you're paranoid before reading this you will be even more so by the time you reach the last page!

But all in all it's a spectacular read that really caught my imagination, so much so that I’ve already begun reading another of Robotham’s books ‘The Night Ferry’ and it’s already turning out to be as good as ‘The Suspect. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a very well written thriller.

I hope this helps you, and once you’ve read the book I’d love to hear what your opinion is so don’t forget to comment! (Please state at the beginning of you comments if they contain spoilers so as to warn other readers.)

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